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Target Audience: Only Graduates in Occupational Therapy.

Total workload: 220 hours (Theoretical-Practical)

Number of Vacancies: 40 vacancies

 Module 1 - Neuroscience and Sensory Integration (30 hours)

Syllabus: The objective of this module is to allow the student to understand current neuroscience and relevant and emerging theories, concepts and practices related to Ayres' Sensory Integration. This module aims to relate sensory processing to the underlying neurology and evidence base of sensory integration.
The module is divided into sections covering sensory systems and how they relate to neuroscience as it is currently understood, addressing the types of behaviors and participation challenges expected to be seen in clients with sensory processing and integration difficulties, and introducing strategies and approaches that can minimize the impact of sensory challenges. The seven sense organs will be addressed: touch, vision, taste, smell, hearing, vestibular and proprioception. The emphasis, according to Jean Ayres' theory, will be given to the vestibular, tactile and proprioceptive systems, deepening the neurophysiology and the functions of each one of them.

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Module 2 - Theoretical Foundations of Sensory Integration (30 hours)

Syllabus: In this module, the emphasis will be on the theoretical bases of Jean Ayres' Sensory Integration Theory. The theory's definitions and principles will be presented and students will learn about sensory processing and its dysfunctions, including patterns of sensory modulation and discrimination. In addition, the module will address an introduction to the intervention, presenting the central characteristics and material resources for the practice of Sensory Integration.

Module 3 - Assessment Instruments in Sensory Integration (30 hours)

Syllabus: This module will focus on clinical reasoning for assessment using the Sensory Integration approach. The student will have the opportunity to critically discuss the unstructured observations that contribute to the determination of dysfunction patterns; learn specific assessment instruments of Sensory Integration - Sensory Profile 2, Sensory Processing Measure (SPM), and Structured Clinical Observations of IS; knowing other tests that contribute to clinical reasoning within the approach; discuss the preparation of the evaluation report.

Module 4 - Protocols and Research in Sensory Integration (20 hours)

Syllabus: This module will address research protocols in Sensory Integration and the importance of the scientific method. The protocol should broadly cover the following points: importance of the topic, literature review; the question of the study; sample selection; study design; study conduction strategy; data analysis and ethical considerations.
Sensory Integration and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), understanding as a process that bases the Theory and Practice of Sensory Integration, integrating individual clinical competence with the clinical findings generated by systematic research. The main researches carried out with Sensory Integration.  Clinical decision-making in Sensory Integration, through access to scientific information and analysis of the validity of the information, mainly investigating the degrees of efficacy and effectiveness.

Module 5 - Sensory Integration and Praxis (30 hours)

Syllabus: This module aims to describe the neurological and sensory mechanisms underlying the various praxic dysfunctions; proposing observation and evaluation to differentiate the various praxic dysfunctions from ideation to motor planning problems. Students will learn about:  treatment principles appropriate to different problems using clinical reasoning;   how various praxis issues affect functional performance; strategies and intervention plan to improve performance; behaviors indicative of ideational problems; how ideation problems and their intervention relate to other cognitive difficulties, including executive functions; analysis of intervention plans to address the difficulties of ideational praxis.

Module 7 - Practical Experiences and Clinical Case Studies in Sensory Integration (30 hours)

Syllabus: The module will address clinical reasoning and practice in Sensory Integration, developing interpretive skills of clinical reasoning in Sensory Integration. It will be addressed from the assessment, to develop IS goals and interventions in clinical practice. Skills will be developed to assess the effectiveness of your own interventions, as well as being able to assess the evidence base for current research interventions. This module prepares participants to deliver intervention using the Sensory Integration theoretical framework as a reference. Strategies for intervention planning and clinical reasoning based on Sensory Integration principles will be discussed through clinical case studies. An overview of intervention approaches in Sensory Integration for different populations, exploring a variety of environmental settings and different age groups and diagnostic conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, neurotypical conditions, Sensory Processing Deficits, among others.

Module 8 - Final Work Orientation (20 hours)

Syllabus:  The module will address the monitoring of scientific works through the research project with determination and delimitation of the theme and research problem, formulation of hypotheses, elaboration of methodological and technical procedures and with elaboration of the article scientific as a final work.

Módulos: Aulas

Module 6 – Combining Sensory Integration with Neuro Evolutionary Concept  Bobath (30 hours)

Syllabus: This module will show  the Occupational Therapist how to use a combined approach to therapy with Neuro Evolutionary Treatment (Bobath Concept) and Sensory Integration to better meet the special needs of children. It will address the theoretical bases of Neuro Evolutionary Treatment as a discussion on Neuro Evolutionary Treatment and Sensory Integration. The combination of these two treatment approaches in the pediatric neurology field will be studied, with a view to discovering detailed assessment guidelines to help determine when a combined approach is most useful. Reproducible verification studies for clinical practice will be approached, proposing its use in the evaluation of sensory and movement disorders. Case studies will also be included to demonstrate the effectiveness of using a combined approach to remediation. It will be presented how to use the combined approach to treat children with specific disorders, including: sensory processing dysfunction, Autism Spectrum Disorder, cerebral palsy, syndromes, among others.

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